Have you ever noticed…?

No one answered these questions concerning the spirit of Jezebel:

  • What does this all mean?
  • How could it be recognized?
    • in/on others
    • on myself

Mainly because the subject matter was so fascinating to theologists. Some appeared to use subjects like this for their soapbox sermons. While this subject led me to believe this was and is still an issue. And no one had answered my pending questions in a basic relatable way.

This is a simple attempt to respond to questions above.

What does it all mean?

As most believers have read about Jezebel in the Word (I Kings & II Kings), she was a woman that was strategically manipulative. She captivated King Ahab with wit and charm. They wed and the rest is history. Once queen she used her position to control the Jewish kingdom to serve an ungodly purpose. Jezebel’s pride brought her to top and that same pride brought her to death.

In that quick synopsis, you may have missed what it all meant.  This type of spirit desires to get into God’s inter-circle. Because the anointing rested with the children of Israel, satan sent this spirit to destroy them. They left the door open. King Ahab had already walked away from The Lord which made him susceptible for this invasion of an adversary.

In today’s message, we are able to see this spirit by just looking around…there are many who operate in this on different levels. Some them have learned these tools and adopted these ideas as their own personalities.

How can I recognize it?

Any where manipulation/control is in play…there it is! I can hear some of you now “Aren’t you being just a bit dramatic?” No, while that is simple enough. It is often missed. Because generally the person operating in this Jezebel spirit, has moved in over time. Now, that person is causing you anxiety because their presence demands something of you. To explore that further, check out the prophet’s behavior. He was terrified of her. Sure, she threatened his life often. But Elijah had killed the prophet’s of Baal and this was after a God showdown. So in basic language this spirit is a subtle tormentor. And because you’ve seen this person’s dirty work, you know this person doesn’t make idle threats.

The threats come mixed with love, acceptance, recognition, or appreciations. At first you’ll be pulled in (or tricked). Once your trust is gained, they’ll allow you to see their true handiwork. They’ll keep pouring out the love, acceptance, recognition, or appreciation as long “you perform as expected”.  After while, they’ll remove the fluff and you’ll be left with your fear of their actions (or more like punishment).

So in the scenarios below, these can be applied at home, with friends, at work, or acquaintances. But these are how we can recognize that spirit for sure.

Scene 1: Your (fill in the blank) is smothering you one minute because you’ve done all of their favorites…then just like an eye blinks, spill some milk and now you’re the worst thing that’s ever happened on earth and they have no use for you. This happens quite often. Signs: your favorites are almost never considered, arguments frequently have wording “if you make me happy, then I can be more (polite, nice, loving)”

Scene 2: Your (fill in the blank) doesn’t want you to spend time outside your normal circle. Signs: you hang out a little bit and come back to world war three, you’re punished in some way for days because you “excluded” your (fill in the blank). Reason: They’re threatened by any other relationships you may develop.

Scene 3: Your (fill in the blank) dangles treats for favors Reason: in this scenario, there is always a condition. There is nothing freely given.

In Closing

If you’re reading this as a Christian…this spirit can only influence if you allow it to. It cannot be on the inside of you because you inhabit the Holy Spirit. And with us, we’re constantly being nudged by The Spirit of God with love toward correction. So how can we be operating in this spirit? It is because of our old lives. There was a residue left behind. Some may have been highly skilled in this area and haven’t learned to trust Jesus. So they have a need to control.  So according to Romans 12, we are to renew our minds.

As it relates to encountering this spirit in/on others…just as the Holy Spirit nudges us in love, we can love people to life be standing up for our selves. I’ve noticed a high level passiveness amongst the Christians. Somehow, we started believing that addressing conflict will get us into trouble. Our Savior Jesus turned over tables when he was angry and addressed  his adversaries constantly. He did all of this winning some of them to Himself. That’s what we’re supposed to do. Address with love, because perfect love casts out fear. Remember this is a tormentor spirit…so we should never run away unless lead by His Spirit.

Have a good one, fam

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